Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ruger 1022 Wood Stock

Roldan route ... ...

there in 1995, was the first time I heard of a country called laos ...
and all thanks to a major without shame that this has given birth to "my dear espanya" Cecilia singing ..
... and it has merit, it's no shame that, because look who has given birth and is giving birth without shame this country ...

go, we are finally world champions in soccer, but is that for many Anyos anyo we anyo after world champions in shamelessness ...
... so, thanks to "Mr. chorizo" anyo of 1995 I learned of the existence of laos ...
and walk here a few days ago ...

... well, the truth is that very well ... almost, if not for a matter of inches ... particularly high, as wide as any I've lost another centimeter (for a change .. if I eat !!!)... asia I say I, if a decrease in width, it does not diminish his nose to the top ... with how well I'd leave to move for this "my dear asia" ... ... Anyway
mysteries of nature, which sometimes is not as wise as we are led to believe ...
and Laos as well, but lacks a few inches ... or I have plenty to me ...
and a matter of inches is curious as to cross a river, the Mekong in particular, just when you're in the middle, aleop!! spend to be in thailand to be in laos ... go invention eastern border ... cross the Mekong and your feet are already in laos ...
... laos ... of which they say is one of the countries with the most peaceful people, which who knows if not for those things opium triangle, because the thing is joke that the most bombed country in the world (if not even I will ... and not who is dedicated to account for such bullshit ...) with its people is a quieter ... a country without freedom of expression, a World Heritage town Luang Prabang (nice by the way), with a few bumps in the road patrimonioo also be national, with a breed that I think dwarf suffering from chronic ...

... to places full of "croissant" that was bequeathed to them the French, with incredible landscapes that are the very best they have seen my eyes, with a meal that must be very rich, but without that having to put mania cilantro to everything ... (... And it looks, but I can not ...), and the streets full of Buddhist monks, which apparently indoctrinate them with the ideas of communism ...
... laos ...

... But with that pequenya
paste of inches, and two days of crossing the Mekong in those seats in first ... first regional course ... as you leave your ass and legs but that paca palla ... goodness of landscapes ... and so day after day, amazing landscapes, green, I want you green, steep limestone rocks, peace and quiet ... and more and more incredible landscapes ...

... And so we walk
laos ... flip-flops to walk better ...
as the "friend roldan" followed a few days in Laos, to deliver in bangkok, but while we enjoy our FREEDOM, despite of centimeters, which have left one's head even if it played more ...

... Pd
laos transport ???... for that, transports, but leave you to know when you arrive ... and send that story on the bus are 8 and 18 and na na ... when you arrive so we worry that I'm telling you.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where To Buy Charriol In The Philippines?

... this is not done ...


... lets see .. as I explain that things are not ...

... and not that it is a very serious matter in question, but they are trifles by which one does not need to spend, you get older and are not to many scares that I am a married man and these little things they make me go more wrinkles, more gray ... and all that walked on, and nerves are not very good for alopecia that one looks ... hair and do not walk much more than enough to say ...


finally, to the point, that there are things to do and not least when one is almost in the ass in the world, that there is a lot of globalization, the world's ass is the ass of the world ... or almost ...
this is not done 1.1:
you're unwell for many of yours and need a lot of massage, you should not be one in style and stay broke, or Thai baht, and much less, if Sunday's 10 pm ... festival that is aggravating, night and vice perfidy by carnal pleasures (... and I would fall with it about 5 years in the bag) ... but ..
but also of these illnesses, we add that: trying to get dough teller, namely 5 (spare me the rhyme ...) with the card will debit and you say no, because you already mosques a little, and if pa enter the credit auction and you realize you do not remember or PIN or PUK or the PIM PAM PUM ... as the mosqueo Moscardon is becoming ...
but as I say that God squeezes but does not drown and always appears in the ass that flower which, being almost in the ass in the world, you always look more likely, for that, just being able to change these eurillos of hidden emergency, almost at 11 o'clock on a typical Sunday, to take something to the mouth ...

that if the effects of the massage peaaaso have disappeared as if by magic and relaxation and tension that has become discharged tension and to the lobes of the ears are stiff ... and you feel the most stupid class ... although perhaps not just a feeling, you go to know that there is a reality, because you think ... pa thy brother who works in the box where you have your million euros and your investment funds in mortgages deleted ???... pa for that, pa you unaware of minutiae and nonsense, of limits on cash reitegramos international, pin, secret numbers, where is bin Laden and Mandango of those ...
I have enough with the bag I'm not lift his head ...
please man ... please ...
this is not 1.2.:
... if you walk up the ass of the world and is falling or near the flood and have to catch a taxi to the train station, the first thing to do is not that the driver may not have a pope of English, but that guilt shall this, which was above all we wanted to take ... the previous three, to tell him that if he took us to the station, put a face and laziness that pa that they did after you already official, not I take you there ... is that things go our own, go to the station by taxi ... anyway ...
... well, it's English because it has a pass ... now that we should not do is go apuradillo time ... even go out with apuradillo is 1 hour and 30 minutes' notice, in a way that few days before it cost us 10 minutes, so if no flood ...
is that which falls lia in bangkok when it drops, it makes you get caught up in Chinatown more than 30 minutes and there is not moved or the pointer, so when they get 35 minutes to come out your train, take out the guide, you start to put the raincoat and make one last attempt to tell you that the taxi driver pa where it falls through the season and the magic of mime, the human common sense and that it was the twenty-third straight and right, salts, fillers and you put the haversack briskly in the rain, hualangpong address (the season) ...
and again, God appears tightening, but not drowning, but seas and rain after marching 30 minutes of low clouds and counting intersections, manage to reach the station when the train is already doing chu chu ... and your feet do plop plop ...
... so no one wanted to take the station was going to head the trap ... and now we also know empenyaban because everyone that we were on plane ...
... that tells ...
so after spending the last 12 hours in bangkok to scare fright (... and we still have to go back to bangkok ... god we caught confessed ... and if you can not press more ... ) ... because we spend a few days in Chiang Mai, sharing a pleasant sea ratitos with BC, that of the bear hugs (Agusta ... girl ... been drinking caps and oil apart ... jejejje) visiting the temples and Buddhas, fixing the world ...
y. ..
fixing our financial situation, so now we decided Convertino at the World Bank and walk with:
Euros, Dollars, British Pounds, Indian Rupees, Baths Thai and Lao Kips ...
is that yes, I hear you walk through Laos, little calm little calm ...
but that is another story, another fling ...
that if you should be
nevertheless continue happily married.
carefully. Messrs Alvarez-Torne Torne-Alvarez
mounted both mounted both.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Friends Cant See Tagged Posts

... bangkok ... the third ...

bangkok, thailand ... Calcutta
left behind, that huge school yard, arriving in Bangkok is like entering class, a break from the crazy world ... or not? ... maybe the world is welcome reloc ... not ... bangkok but when you get to Calcutta is like a classroom ... your piece airport, its order, their desks lined ...

and now the third, and it seems that the third will lucky ... I guess it will come married ... (We are that if Grandma smokes ...)... South
we leave for Israel and CIA ... pa them the sun, the beach and the full moon party, which I have in Tarragona sun and beaches pa tower that I will have to ...
so grab a taxi to the station to buy train tickets that will move us north to chiang mai, but to the Thais in the tourist information station empenyados that plane and we were in the same street ... that people tiring! in the end we will come out both wings to fly and we want to go on the train chu chu ...

but before get to the train station, one of the drivers was (and I must continue to be) just like the tooth fary but we tango 40 baths (1 eurillos) ... but my wife put it on your site ... there with a couple ... if extracting a genius or Aladdin !!!... fortunately not had to take the katana ...
the end, tickets for Monday afternoon, 2A class, eISI (AC) ... if not repaired in luxury hear!
12 short hours by train, a Ratin ... and we will plant in Chiang Mai, where we find a friend who goes by the world giving bear hugs ... little things the little girl ...
... So
to time, like waiting for the train, we kicked a piece of Bangkok, the gateway to Asia, where it mixes all a mess from Shanghai, Las Vegas, Salou, matalascanyas, Amsterdam and Cuba ... almost nothing! ...
going, so I see it, a city more rare than a green dog ...
... a city that has something, but do not guess or define it ... is common for a cocktail:
of backfiring and sex tourism, massage of all types and colors of a thousand Buddhas and mudras (postures of Buddha), non-stop consumerism and more backpacks behind, many travel agencies as channels and tuticolori taxis. ..
a cocktail, Chung Chung ... but here we are ...

and as we have no body to get us to drink it all, my wife does not go the fireworks and the words of a friend and have eyes full of fireworks, we spent visiting the hundreds of Buddhas (46-recline m. the emerald, the golden, the volcanic stone ...) and between watts, Buddhas and mudras, we have given a massage that takes your breath away!

... Bangkok
and so is another based
pad Thai and some other Shinga or chang (local beer)
... so we walk through the capital of this country with more than 3,000 7-Eleven (24 hours of those) that secure que en lo que he escrito esto ya han abierto 5 mas...

aqui, donde sigue sonando el waka waka, donde "spain" se pronuncia "sapein", donde nuestras mochilas y ropas aun pegan cierto cante a tandori y a la espera de las 12 horas de tren de manyana...

con la venia senyores y senyoras, con 200 sabadikas ,400 kopunkat y algun que otro "ariquitaun" vamos a morirnos un ratito con un peaaaasso masaje...
y a ver que se contara el norte thailandes... que parece que pinta bien... pero zapatero a tus zapatos y lo primero es lo primero:

...papa and mama I'm fatal ... I have to spend all day giving me massages that I mu malito of mine, I said it before I came dost pa ca ... but do not worry we eat well, my sainted wife is phenomenal and it gives them a massage for pleasure ... well it does! that this evil to a poor since it ..
kisses, I want.
(... if that does not cost na, senyales to life so everybody is happy and we make more massages hollow pa ...)
no trace of the red shirts, the most similar, pink poles of the king of this blessed country became fashionable Anyos ago.
(pa tastes colors)