Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thankyou Message For Newborn


turns out that for Christmas I went to the mountains because I love to barbecue for the dinner so special. Well, the thing is, always rent a house in Aragon, near the ski resort of Cerler.

Noon Dec. 26, it ruined my day of skiing due to bad weather and came home run to make my barbecue. I bought the coal excited, I opened the best I could my apetitu along the way and imagine how would the logs this time to enjoy my awaited feast on the wonderful winter sun.

What a disaster.
When I arrived at the house other tenants of the farm were doing a barbecue. They were a big family of Aragon who were using "our" barbecue, "our" table and "our" time.
was certainly "our" idea. When we arrived we were told
- "As soon as we leave the table."
I said,
- "Yeah, sure, no problem!".
Lie. Filthy lie. I soured the day. How dare? "Did not they know that I wait all year for holiday MIS to MI barbecue as often as I damn well please?

How annoying.
I locked myself in the house thinking about a "Plan B" filled with something very like hatred. Sure you could get it pulled, secure logs used the previous day had left next to the barbecue, safe used my matches and my instruments that I took last night because I thought everyone knew that was my time and nobody could snatch. Would certainly be screaming and laughing uproariously drunk and make a scandal in the community garden.

What speculations. Immediately
traced my plan: wait until the evening when the time came to my BBQ and I would claim my trunks, my matches and tell them to clean up the mess they leave insurance.
I looked out the window (without being seen) with real anger. I think I even wished them any harm.
tried then back to light side and I thought "Okay," peace and love, you enjoy it, and I enjoy it more late "...
Lies Filthy lie! Would that evil plan hatched over many months? Or has come natural? Do these people dedicated to evil without "rhyme or reason" or was it something against me specifically?

home I locked myself in and made a great salad comforting each other until they knocked on the door. I would not open because at that time was not sure if I had started to grow fangs and was still keeping my humanoid form.

finally opened the door, disguised as "nice The mountain people are not thinking of murdering the family next door to use your barbecue, when a man of small stature and Aragonese accent told us
- "Excuse me, if you want to use our embers and leave. "
-" Oh! That kind Thank you very much ". replied with mountain face adapted to the environment.

The place was spotless, the floor scrubbed, the table neat and barbecue with burning embers. The family, respectful and kind, he locked himself in his house to eat with total discretion.

What remorse.

Great, now I have to live with the terrible person who just discovered I am a lifetime.

Why should I reasoned that bad? I want to live in a friendly world where we all share and to respect each other. I want to live in a world where people are like the family, kind and generous, not in a world where people react like I did.
I think being a kind person, generous and charitable. What happened to me?

What a world.
I have a small excuse (I've looked very hard) y es que vivo en una ciudad superpoblada donde todo el mundo te empuja, nadie te mira a la cara, nadie te da los buenos días, ni las gracias. Una ciudad donde no te ceden el paso en el coche, donde te pitan por cualquier cosa, donde la gente pinta graffitis en la casa del vecino, tiran basura en la calle porque no es de ellos, donde “yo estoy primero”, donde la gente se pelea en la cola del supermercado y mucho me temo, que poco a poco, todos nos vamos contagiando de esa forma de “civilización salvaje” hasta que un día, somos nosotros “los irracionales de al lado”, los que actuamos como déspotas egoístas sin que nadie nos haga nada.

Así se hacen los mundos. Con la summation of the attitude of all.

When do I succumbed to being a slave to bad habits? Do not know, but I regret it. I want to fight every day to be a good piece of this puzzle that we are. I want to be the neighbor who gave generously of their fire me for my food, I want to be the one who gives good morning but nobody answered me, who gave his place in line at the supermarket but it's my turn, I would be looking into the eyes people and thanks to whom I serve, I want to be good but others are bad, I give up my spot on the bus to those most in need, I want to do good without being prompted, a good cell of this great body. For if the world is a sum of attitudes, I would like to add to it, because that's the world we want to live.

i finished my barbecue, but there were too many coals and burned me. No matter, there was very hungry.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Cheekbones Muscle Gain


Have you seen this movie? This is the life of a man who is recorded 24 hours a day, from birth. Everything revolves around him. Everything is set for him. At all times to do what the director wants to film.
Among other things, would create phobias like to travel by boat or plane, so you never want to leave where you live. We handled 24 hours a day for which "creates the movie so viewers can enjoy watching your show. The Truman Show.

remember when I saw the movie for the first time I thought, Go! But I've thought so many times!

Many times I had the feeling of being watched all the time and being the "protagonist" in this story. That's all there for me, manipulated me and I am for some reason. Many people find the same thing has happened, why it has been so successful.

It has been several years since the movie was released and now, many years later, it I think:
Go! But if I am manipulated and observed all the time! This is "The Roots and Leg Show"!

live as "they" want. I want what "they" sold me. I dress like "them" dictate. I buy what "they" I offered. And I see the world through the eyes of "them." By "their" news tell me what "they" want. I do believe that the world is what "they" say. And I have no other way but to believe it, because it comes on TV must be true right?

In the denouement of the film, Truman begins to realize the manipulation and true to their dreams, overcome their fears, take a boat and fighting a huge storm (made on purpose to make the hard way), comes at the end of the scenery and discover the truth.
Hey, do not know if I'm the star of this and you, you're reading, you follow my program. If so tell me please. If not, you know that I'm still not yours, but my question is what if you and I are the protagonists of a film that sees someone else? Are we living all this mess to have fun the other? Who manipulates us and why? Look

less television, at least you can turn it on. Shut down the computer. Do not buy the newspaper. Listen to music. The weekends go to the beach, forest, mountain, hear the trees, plants, sky, listen to yourself, dress as you like, do not follow any fashion, you need not look any particular way. Buy less stuff, do not follow a script set by anyone, not "have" to do, not "must" do, do not be pressured. They are not fun. Your "film" fails to file, to see if they release us from this scenario, we succumb to their phobias and start living like we really want.

POSTS OF FISH. To my dear viewers (just in case).

A few fish postit add salt and pepper and shawls. First raisins in flour, then in egg and immediately after the fry in hot oil. Make them one by one, you take the post, go through the flour, egg and raisins and egg dripping from the oil get in ok?

The went with a homemade mayonnaise. In a bowl mix egg yolk and raw kitchen and make a pastries, then you add sunflower oil to very small trickle while beating with a fork. So to have the amount you want, when you finish you add a little salt (half a teaspoon or so) and a squeeze of lemon (as you venenosita is, so is richer).

The source of the posts put some lemon wedges, more light will fry to your stomach.

are very simple but very tasty you'll see.

For other than a heavy meal, I have served with a salad that I called "wonderful salads (evidently by the name does not leap to fame , but since this is my movie, called to things as they really suit me.)

wonderful salads.

In a "bed of raw spinach I added: cherry tomatoes, green pepper, cut into earrings, red pepper, cut into earrings, rolled raw mushrooms, walnuts, parmesan, chopped parsley, a little salt and enough oil extra virgin olive oil.

Hope you like it, and tell me. And remember, skip the script more often complícales life, you have the power, this is your show.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Side Effects Of Biaxin, Bad Taste In My Mouth

to take root.

You know what is the root? I looked in the dictionary and said: "It's an affection, of a virtue, a vice, or use a custom: Becoming very firm. Browse or raising roots. "
From birth we are rooting for things such as a tree takes root in this world and this world belongs, down roots of passion in this world that breeds and this world belong. As the passions are so relative, I wonder if so will our roots.

roots us in the womb of our mother, born and we are rooted to our family, our customs, our room, our home, our friends, our food, routine, games, vices, hobbies. And when we grow, rooting are increasingly subtle and ever stronger, as the attachment to our thoughts, feelings, we are rooted in our personality, our memories, our tastes, our image of ourselves.

not at what point, these roots as inevitable, which in turn feels so strong and sure, you begin to transform our yoke, our shackles, began to dominate our actions and therefore our destiny .

Sometimes when I wake in the morning trying to make the exercise of not knowing who I am and what I really wonder. I guess I do not know and look more spontaneous in my desires, not who I was until now, but who I am today. So, every day is like trying to keep my mind fresh, free of attachment could not seem to want me attached to an imaginary target.

Try it, you can take the pleasant surprise rid of all you have to do and begin to discover what you really want. URUGUAY

chop (with zucchini and eggplant salad)

it be the root, maybe or call me crazy, but when I put these two steaks on the grill, I could not stop thinking about Uruguay.

The recipe was simple, heated the grill, I cooked the two "Uruguay" over high heat on one side, when he was browned I put it on the other side was golden brown and when I put a good amount of salt (fat) above. A long meat Put the salt in the end because if it absorbs the "juice" and you still dry. It is also preferable coarse salt for the same reason and because (this is of my own) the grains of salt you get to the tongue, your taste buds will open at its best and there, when they lost the trial and have given everything that comes, the attacks the steak.

I served with a salad of zucchini and eggplant (Very light and tasty).

saute You put in a good splash of extra virgin olive oil, half an onion. When transparent add two sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots and peeled eggplant, cut into cubes. Cook
20 minutes over low heat.
Then add a sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini and cook another 15 minutes stirring constantly (do not hold, is a recipe momentary, tomorrow is another). Then add salt, black pepper and a tablespoon of chopped rosemary.

When I left it medium-rare steak, I went inside the animal and because she was convinced that I was eating a piece of my land. If my country could eat, I eat it raw. If I could eat the best memories of my life to integrate into my body and do not separate my anymore. If I could eat this beautiful landscape, the smell of eucalyptus forest, the sound of leaves trees that move with the wind and that distinctive whisper "Shhhhhh", as if asking silently to all my thoughts. If I could eat a warm spring night, light a campfire in the evening, the beautiful sky full of stars on a beach with no people. The exact moment that my feet buried in the sand still warm from the last hour of sunshine. If you could eat only front talks are held with great friends, hugs from my mother, my father's mischievous glances as we take a couple of whiskeys philosophy to awaken sleeping in our minds. The laughter hits you only cause a brother, partly because you laugh at him because nobody knows him like you and part you laugh at yourself, because nobody knows you like him. If you could eat the knowing smiles, the glances of passion of the early conquests, the innocence of our soul, the purity of our thoughts of children, the surprise of our youth and the first time I heard that song, which was nice. If I could eat much I love you "to make sure I always will as well.

If I could integrate into my system as much as you want to transform it into a constant present that never leaves me and the steak will become later in my muscles, this steak I insist, for me it looks like Uruguay.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Matsushita® Bd-mlt Uj232as


How many of the illusions we live in are really possible?
How many of our desires are genuine desires?
In reality I see how many actually "see"?
And how many passes through the filter of my desires unavoidable taxes?
How far is, physically, between what I can achieve in this life and what we wanted life to death? And how
lose on the road ambitions? Are they really all
I call these dreams, goals, objectives, hopes, dreams, happiness, success, as real and just ... want?
And if you really want all this to me tax, so what I want?

Why not encourage me to be just who I am, to enjoy this very moment because, because why not, because I'm here?

Why not teach me to be happy with little, to a single bright spot of sunshine fills my life spirit, not to covet so much and enjoy more?

is this life we \u200b\u200blive while we are distracted trying something else, do we cost both understand?

We do believe we want more because the "sun rallos" no need to buy them. Because the "enjoy the simple life we \u200b\u200bcan not be mortgaged. Because the "spirit and soul" can not be packaged.

Do not be fooled, what ads they sell us is not reality.

Reality is what I can achieve, I can feel, live, experience. We are the absolute and undisputed protagonists of this tale. We are here to be happy and nothing else.

Turn off the TV, turn off the computer, take a deep breath. If you are not all that display the ads, all that you want Who do you want? What? Responds not to mention any product. Can you? What? Who are you? Ponte

good music, dance but not know, there is nothing to know, and be merry, close your eyes, smile to yourself, if you die, everything goes away Do not you realize? Are everything. You. Get creative and dancing, singing, uncorks the wine and only if you like, get to cook ...

Thai Rice (for me).

Wait to be alone at home, this meal is a tribute to you, to anyone else.

Ponte disc of music that you like (no one sees you, so do not put what you like the other or what "should" listen. That really is what you fill your soul) .
for me: Vinicus de Moraes and Toquinho in La Fusa. I hear of a lifetime and not get tired.

As I have time I will enjoy every step of the meal to end.

In a wok put a few drops of olive oil and fry 1 onion ½ red pepper (capsicum) chopped red. When they are tender-crisp, add a carrot and ten green beans (green beans) cut unevenly.
Toss a few minutes with a wooden spoon. Bebo

few sips of wine while on a samba rhythm of a good friend who is with me always.

I add a cup of coconut milk and the river itself, while the flavors are mixed and my house is filled with exotic fragrances. Add half

precut broccoli. I pass about five minutes and then added ten peeled raw shrimp and four small fillets of hake. Bebo

another sip of wine while I stubbornly hard to think of nothing that does not affect my immediate reality squarely: music, weather, my home, the aromas and me.

Horror of my mind any nonsense that I want to stop, it's hard, because I have many, but the achievement. Wok

I add some salt, two tablespoons of chopped cilantro and about three tablespoons of green curry paste. Leave all the ingredients consubstantialized a while. Apart

prepare a cup of Thai white rice and unseasoned. I serve on plates of rice and a volcano in the center and add the prepared sauce.

I sit at the table with Vinicius and Toquinho, tell me who had never tried a recipe like this, so tasty, so exotic. A toast to that unique moment, for being so happy with so little. Provide for the essential, our dreams come true, for our humanity, so that we are and samba so pretty, who is with us forever.

was a unique moment. That peace, that harmony. Such happiness, such joy. As Vinicus said, it seemed that we felt the whole earth spinning.