Sunday, January 30, 2011

Which Is Better Lic Or Ppf

SUMMARY OF THE UNIVERSE IN IT (along with the duality of a beef patty and a salad of cabbage)

We assume that God and the devil exist. But they are not "a man with a white beard" and a "gentleman red with horns and fangs," but simply "the most sensible, pure, relaxed atmosphere of our being" and that "the most bitter, selfish and dark our own thoughts. "
I, from one to another, I have clear who I'm staying. I have clear who choose. Because I like myself more when I'm "sensible, pure and relaxed" when I myself am a "bitter, selfish and dark." What we have not told us is that both spirits live in each one of us.

Throughout history, probably by an excess of cleverness, the church has tried to seize "the most sensible, pure, relaxed atmosphere of our being," ie "God" with the firm intention to manipulate. The theme is that God does not live in "a white-bearded gentleman" in a churches all, but alive, in fact, in each of us.

"They" have no God. In God we own all. Literally.

It is therefore "in each one of us" that there is a constant choice of living in "Heaven" or "Hell", where "Heaven" and "Hell" the set of consequences "divine" or "hell" to live if you take one or the other way. I mean the way of "the most sensible, pure and relaxed of our being" or "the most bitter, selfish and dark of our own thoughts."

See that you look like you, but for me, this concept seems fantastic hilarious.
know, I know, sounds harsh, but multiplied by the reality that surrounds us is: the truth. Meditate.

follow. Overdoses of transcendentalism I get anxious, anxiety makes me hungry and hunger can not wait to cook.

mystical meat cake cabbage salad confused.

Yeah, me too I laughed to imagine a cabbage "confused", and is quite ugly when "string."

This recipe is complicated and it has turned exquisite chance, so pay attention:

Peel a potato , cut into thin slices and fry in plenty of olive oil (about 5 tablespoons). When tender add 4 sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms, half onion, 3 cloves garlic rolled and a half red pepper, all very cut and fry.

After ten minutes remove it from heat and prosecution in a blender (or processor). Whisk for about three minutes with the oil where it has cooked, ½ cup milk , salt and black pepper to taste.

This mix it with ½ kg. of beef . Correct the salt and pepper and add half a tablespoon of oregano .

Mix everything very well and then add 4 tablespoons of breadcrumbs with chopped parsley . Knead the mixture and form with it a circular cake. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and parsley on top and ½ teaspoon of salt.

Take it in the oven at medium heat. Only first down (20 minutes) and then up (another 20 minutes) to brown.

Why is called mystical meat? Because it is absolutely delicious and the recipe I made it up a starry night from candles and jazz music. So, as there has been some mystical force intervening, not where it came from something so rich and tasty.

other hand confuses the Lombard ... How? Making it be something that never was: tasty.

Take 5 sheets of cabbage and cut into thin strips (julienne). Add chopped onion ½ into thin strips, 300 grams of corn sweet , 10 cherry tomatoes , rocket comfortable (2 cups approx), abundant oil of olive , salt and very fine spray vinegar .
And you stay here, including your portion of meat loaf and your cabbage mystical confused. Debatiéndote minute between heaven and hell to live entirely within your mind, like you're the undisputed container all human existence. As if the whole universe is within you synthesize.

careful with your choices, minute by minute within you decide the fate of all mankind.
God or the Devil? Is Heaven or Hell? All because of you, all because of you.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Long Does A Fire Extinguisher Last?


seems that we are seeing a great revolution in the consciousness of human beings or what is, we are ceasing to be such assholes.

Here and there are organized protests of a handful of mavericks who are tired of living in the shadow of the incalculable richness of three or four clever.
I too tired.

Some even come to burn them both head set alight throughout the body. Or what is the same, it blew.

I also set fire to me sometimes when I see so much inequality, so much cynicism, so much emptiness, so much stupidity.

Something is changing, yes, people say that in 2012 end to change and that some prophecies have spoken of the end of the world (which really means the end of the world as we know or at least so say the who prefer not to think about the "end" the "world")

With or without "end times" I'm hearing, too often, people are getting tired of disguised slavery we are living.
believe that unfettered rise in the morning and go to bed late watching TV are free.
Shackles are now invisible, make no mistake. They are shackled to a mortgage, letter of car, credit card fees, unfair working time, family, trying to be happy with the crumbs of time they leave their jobs. Shackles news as manipulators of desire to succeed, chronic anxiety, overdoses of responsibilities, the fame of others (who are much smarter than us because they have managed to become "millionaires" are not doing what stupidity). Ambitions are shackled by a company established carcinogen, that as you do not know what direction to take, is sick. An uncivilized society that as you do not know what to do with his life, he invents fast. And "fast", not invented anything good.

Eggplant with roasted chicken.
(per revolution)

Oh God. Anyway ... cut 2 eggplants into thin slices and fry over low heat in a splash of olive oil. Apart
chicken fry as many slices of eggplant slices have a low heat with salt and pepper. When done place them on the eggplant to which they have added a slice of cheese on a cross mozzarella.Colócalas, season with salt and pepper and close like a sandwich. Luego agregas la salsa.

¿Qué salsa? Una que has preparado con dos tomates cortados en cubos, una cebolla cortada en cubos, tres dientes de ajo cortados en cubitos y una cuantas (8 o 9) almendras tostadas y cortadas en trocitos (rehogado en aceite unos 30 minutos a fuego lento).

Cuando has colocado la salsa por encima, lo llevas al horno y cuando está calentito, a disfrutar. 

  Si además de cocinar prendes algunas velas, llamas a algunos amigos queridos, pones algo de música, hablan de temas trascendentales y se forget the world, beat the system. Then go for a walk and make an effort not to "want" anything. Just enjoy, be happy, smile internally and will be for a few hours of the Revolution.

(A for them. We are more)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dentitex Customer Support


Today I went to ride horses up the hill that is next to my home. My horse is called Max, I put well by my grandfather who loved him. It is a black horse with a large white patch on the tube. It's beautiful. After a ride two hours, I reached the river which is next to the garden of Don Eugenio and I could not believe my eyes. The entire city of Barcelona was on fire, burning in flames by the fury of the great white dragon got angry from Tibidabo.

Is not it fascinating how easy it is to invent a reality?

The mind lives by creating parallel realities, makes us, we sometimes imprisoned, others frees us, provokes fear, anger and love, created us wants or needs. If I think I have thirst for water, food if I think I am hungry.

But how much my mind and what creates it? And what is true What is truth and what creates my mind?
the immense world around me I have doubts. And at this point, even I have more doubts than certainties. Filtering step on my reality for the strict screening of my memory, my past, my needs, my duties from my defeats and successes, my desires, my ambitions.

If I read a story and that story the author speaks of the existence of a dragon, my mind sees the dragon. Then close the book and the dragon disappears because it is obvious that dragons do not exist.
Now what happens when an ad makes me believe that if as a cereal with red berries'll be much happier? What happens when a news tells me that there is a war where there is none, that the wicked are those and not others? What happens when society makes me believe that I must follow a certain path or do I feel that I failed? What happens when I buy clothes so I was like the poster on the wall, when I read fashion magazines that show me women aged 60 with the skin of a teenager, happy, famous and rich does not know why? What happens when religion fills me with guilt and fears about this or that, when someone tells me the pretty street, when my boss criticizes my work, when my mother tells me I love you, or do not tell me, when I look in the mirror and comb my hair this way or another? What's in my mind with these dragons that are introduced in the structure of my thoughts, my life, my everyday life?

What book I have to close for these invented realities disappear?

Is not religion a reality invented? Are not news storytellers in their own way? Do not create ads that are ideal realities making us want or fear what they want? What happens to my memory remembering all this and then living according to that? What my mind about moving from here to there, to my mind listening, feeling, seeing, experiencing, structured on the basis of all these realities invented?

Here I am. So like everyone focused and realistic. And so cheated and upset as anyone.

Through this screen writing now. Through this filter you see, I see, I think, I demand and live.

We assume that nothing is real, this is by far the most concrete reality I know. Then toys with reality invented our own way. Nothing is so serious and so real. All has much more grace than we see. The world around the world, is what I say your mind. Order your mind the reality you want and that is your universe.

Canadian Chivito bread (invented reality for me today.)

Now your imagination will think of a goat-foot two large loaves. No, not by what is called "goat", because in reality it is a kind of creole burger filled with goodies. And do not know why they call it "Canadian", but in my country it means that you are putting up the hat eating.

Look, to make a good goat basically need a round loaf (like hamburger) parted in the middle. Both halves of the gaskets of mayonnaise and then add: a fine filet of beef grilled, fried bacon, sliced \u200b\u200begg, mozzarella, ham, fried onions, sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms sautéed in oil, chopped green olives, pickles tooodo hot and what you have in the fridge that you feel like at that time. The lids and take it to the oven. When it is warm you take it out and add some tomato and lettuce (not really know why is because among the many ingredients are not who may be able to distinguish a leaf of lettuce).

Eat it with your hands like a hamburger.
With your fingers you should check the ingredients do not escape you. The juices of the items you dripping from his hands, wrists and arms. Food is less sexy of the world. But probably one of the richest. Ideal for a dinner without complexes, where the goal is to taste, eat a lot and have fun. Ideal to forget the realities invented by others and immerse yourself in your present compelling and inevitable.

"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. Only you can do "
Bob Marley.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Reverse Hypo-pigmentation

the din of the MIND AND STEW Gambon.

is true what they say: we have to take things away to get perspective and solve our problems more easily.

This morning two women talking in the gym locker room. One was explaining to another why he fired a man of the company where he worked.
I was showering, so I was relaxed and is outside the conflict. Maybe that's why I could feel, the tone of guilt that was behind this woman's voice and the subtle condescension with which he listened to his companion, who beyond his real opinion, strongly suggested it had become:

- And it was a bad man - said the first.
- But it just was not right - consoled his companion.
- Exactly - answered. And then they leave with a significant "thank you" .

Where said "thanks " meant, " Thanks" for making me believe that I'm right more than you do not have the foggiest idea if I have right or wrong. "Thanks " to quiet my conscience. " Thanks" for making me feel good asking nothing in return. " Thanks" for helping me to live in this reality, although it is not true. "Thanks " for not making me see a reality that I see. "Thanks " get rid of me for this extremely easy and frugal. "Thanks " for not wanting to investigate, because even I know if I'll like what I can find back.

After giving the " thanks, went to the shower.

Both were silent, but I could see that the locker room was not silent, but with the tumult of his thoughts. A comforting, reaffirming the other Do we judge? Do you criticize?
And then I thought, we are surrounded by the din of thousands of minds that surround us and ours own.

The mind sees and works. Work, work and work without even having our approval.
mind and compare notes. Listen and draw conclusions. Perceived and judged. Touch and adjust. Taste and performs great reviews. Recalls and feel. Plans and weakens. It soothes and comforts. The mind works but we ask and does not stop even if you demand it.

I feel a certain envy of fools whose minds fly without stopping at nothing. None. Anyone. Those for whom "reality" is something that has nothing to do with them. Something is far away.

I was in the shower, oblivious to everything and saw everything so clearly. How many times am I, with a condescending tone, I try to convince me so much? How many times am I who give "thanks" for letting me live outside of reality? Regardless of the truth. Convinced of right but is wrong. How many times have I said thanks for not seeing exactly the truth?

STEW Gambon.

Absorbed in my thoughts I cut two finely chopped leeks. A finely chopped onion. A finely chopped pimento. A finely chopped green pepper. 6 cloves garlic finely chopped and put everything fry in a splash of olive oil .
stirring and thought. The ingredients were cooking, the food delicious vapors gradually invaded the house while I lay my head thousands of traps. The onion is cooked and my mind remembered. The peppers were removed and my mind planned. Garlic is imposed with the prevailing taste and my mind arguing with unrealistic fantasies, created situations, turned my guts with parallel realities, I dominated with its invented scenes, took me here and there, grief to joy, love to resentment, frustration implementation. And I so gullible, believed to dominate my reality for the simple fact of having a silly wooden spoon by the handle.

When the ingredients were rendered (approx. 30 minutes) to my mind it felt like to get me back to reality, I added 4 potatoes cut into small cubes. Then I added 6 huge king prawns, covered all with water and added salt , a few strands of saffron and pepper .

Cover and let cook for about 30 minutes.

A delicious dish to enjoy with a good wine, in the cold European winter that we're seeing here.

What was he thinking as he ate the king prawns? In Gambon. At the exact moment when he ate that dish so comforting. Not always give my mind the power to dominate. From time to time he made it clear who is boss here. That sometimes when I try to be me.

Bon appetit.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Free Lizard Cage Plans


think it's time to talk seriously. Long ago you know, you're happy with you, you've spent many good times, some not so, but above all, love yourself. Love you more than anyone in this world. So I propose you something and I hope you say yes ...

Do you want to marry you?

know it's an important decision and do not intend to answer already, but ... think about it, meditate on it, it's your future, your feelings, your stability. You're a good person, you will become happy. Years ago you're looking for your soul mate, but ... Who says you're not a whole orange?

know it's not a decision taken lightly, especially because a break would be quite difficult to manage. But think about it.

now allows marriage between same sex. But we go beyond what if you marry yourself?

Nobody says that a heterosexual marriage with an adopted child can not be a family. No one says that an unmarried couple with a dog, can not be a family. No one says that two men and a parrot, can not be a family.

Who says you can not be you, a family?

Who is the person who understands you, the one that accompanies you, knows you, understands you and loves you?
Who has actually been "there" when you need it most? Always giving your best advice? Who knows better
your tastes, your feelings and your body?

already, procreation would be impossible, but so is gay marriage. And think about it later ... I mean you and you.

And if does not work, but you get along with yourself, "Who better than you to understand?

's infidelities and deception would be impossible and if you ever get the idea of \u200b\u200bsneaking across to someone, you would learn at the same time.

that was completed in Whom we spent Christmas? With your family or mine? O Who does the dishes after dinner? Neither one nor the other, or neither ... but two! (Which is much more equitable)

And you think but do not feel alone? Absolutely and it will be until they settle down and marry, what everyone says. Well, what are you waiting? Marry you! Propóntelo! Do not miss out! Stop being so

rodeo, take the "I do", Jurate be faithful in sickness and in health, in wealth and poverty, vows to love you until death separates you and be happy with you and forever.

codfish 2011 (with Rampage of vegetables in the oven).

Put saute 2 onions large finely chopped, ½ chopped yellow pepper and red pepper, finely chopped in a generous stream of olive oil. I usually cover the pan with a lid with holes to be cooked in a frying and boiling mixture (mania).

When everything is very soft (about half an hour passes and stir well.) Add ½ cup chopped raisins and three chopped tomatoes.
Cook the mixture for about 20 minutes over low heat.

Then add 300 gm of cod desalted and shredded.

Stir well and add two teaspoons of chopped parsley, white pepper and salt to taste (if you're missing).

collective catharsis You know that people live on New Year? That makes you eat and drink as if you had been hired to liquidate your liver? That makes you laugh and laugh excitedly as if someone had changed the oxygen in your home for nitrous oxide? You know, that mania absurd for people to feel butterflies in my stomach as if something amazing happen simply because at 12 pm change the year? You know what I'm talking about? Well, I'm one of them.

I've been so busy waiting for the "wonderful" new "" year " I did not have time to make a good ground and I bought it: more precisely, two masses of puff pastry (I'd say it's not as rich as I do but the fact is that masses do not puff, I have understood it very difficult, so one day I will prove)

then placed in a pan greased with olive oil the dough first, then put the filling, then another cover and close it as a pie.

With the pieces of dough formed a 2011 left over me that I was quite proportionate and then beaten egg painted to shine. I do not pretend to compete with this last detail with the "sferification Green Tea "by Ferran Adrià, but in the end we live in the fantasy and this detail has made this pie a wonderful welcome to begin the year with optimism.

had it with a kind of catharsis of baked vegetables: eggplant pints sliced \u200b\u200bpeeled onions, artichokes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, green peppers, yellow peppers and garlic. I arranged everything in a baking dish care to "see" all the ingredients and covered it with olive oil, salt and black pepper. I took the oven for 40 minutes and ready.

Hope you like and you will be excited to take the big step. It's a new year, go for it. At least you can not say that you have not tried.

Happy new year (and I hope you say "yes").