We assume that God and the devil exist. But they are not "a man with a white beard" and a "gentleman red with horns and fangs," but simply "the most sensible, pure, relaxed atmosphere of our being" and that "the most bitter, selfish and dark our own thoughts. "
It is therefore "in each one of us" that there is a constant choice of living in "Heaven" or "Hell", where "Heaven" and "Hell" the set of consequences "divine" or "hell" to live if you take one or the other way. I mean the way of "the most sensible, pure and relaxed of our being" or "the most bitter, selfish and dark of our own thoughts."
know, I know, sounds harsh, but multiplied by the reality that surrounds us is: the truth. Meditate.
follow. Overdoses of transcendentalism I get anxious, anxiety makes me hungry and hunger can not wait to cook.
mystical meat cake cabbage salad confused.
This recipe is complicated and it has turned exquisite chance, so pay attention:
Peel a potato , cut into thin slices and fry in plenty of olive oil (about 5 tablespoons). When tender add 4 sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms, half onion, 3 cloves garlic rolled and a half red pepper, all very cut and fry.
This mix it with ½ kg. of beef . Correct the salt and pepper and add half a tablespoon of oregano .

Take it in the oven at medium heat. Only first down (20 minutes) and then up (another 20 minutes) to brown.
Why is called mystical meat? Because it is absolutely delicious and the recipe I made it up a starry night from candles and jazz music. So, as there has been some mystical force intervening, not where it came from something so rich and tasty.
And you stay here, including your portion of meat loaf and your cabbage mystical confused. Debatiéndote minute between heaven and hell to live entirely within your mind, like you're the undisputed container all human existence. As if the whole universe is within you synthesize.
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