Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Long Does A Fire Extinguisher Last?


seems that we are seeing a great revolution in the consciousness of human beings or what is, we are ceasing to be such assholes.

Here and there are organized protests of a handful of mavericks who are tired of living in the shadow of the incalculable richness of three or four clever.
I too tired.

Some even come to burn them both head set alight throughout the body. Or what is the same, it blew.

I also set fire to me sometimes when I see so much inequality, so much cynicism, so much emptiness, so much stupidity.

Something is changing, yes, people say that in 2012 end to change and that some prophecies have spoken of the end of the world (which really means the end of the world as we know or at least so say the who prefer not to think about the "end" the "world")

With or without "end times" I'm hearing, too often, people are getting tired of disguised slavery we are living.
believe that unfettered rise in the morning and go to bed late watching TV are free.
Shackles are now invisible, make no mistake. They are shackled to a mortgage, letter of car, credit card fees, unfair working time, family, trying to be happy with the crumbs of time they leave their jobs. Shackles news as manipulators of desire to succeed, chronic anxiety, overdoses of responsibilities, the fame of others (who are much smarter than us because they have managed to become "millionaires" are not doing what stupidity). Ambitions are shackled by a company established carcinogen, that as you do not know what direction to take, is sick. An uncivilized society that as you do not know what to do with his life, he invents fast. And "fast", not invented anything good.

Eggplant with roasted chicken.
(per revolution)

Oh God. Anyway ... cut 2 eggplants into thin slices and fry over low heat in a splash of olive oil. Apart
chicken fry as many slices of eggplant slices have a low heat with salt and pepper. When done place them on the eggplant to which they have added a slice of cheese on a cross mozzarella.Colócalas, season with salt and pepper and close like a sandwich. Luego agregas la salsa.

¿Qué salsa? Una que has preparado con dos tomates cortados en cubos, una cebolla cortada en cubos, tres dientes de ajo cortados en cubitos y una cuantas (8 o 9) almendras tostadas y cortadas en trocitos (rehogado en aceite unos 30 minutos a fuego lento).

Cuando has colocado la salsa por encima, lo llevas al horno y cuando está calentito, a disfrutar. 

  Si además de cocinar prendes algunas velas, llamas a algunos amigos queridos, pones algo de música, hablan de temas trascendentales y se forget the world, beat the system. Then go for a walk and make an effort not to "want" anything. Just enjoy, be happy, smile internally and will be for a few hours of the Revolution.

(A for them. We are more)


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