Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How Long Will Epididymitis Last After Treatment?

I'm not famous (but I cook quite well)

write in a blog is not well known, walk down the street and I see no Christ, if you search my name on the Web, I'm not and if I go through next fifty paparazzi armed with five cameras each and which of all with the goal larger, they ask me apart because I'm leaving "see."

And you think: Much better that way, because then you are free right?

And I say: Not really. I would rather break the eggs all day with camera flashes and hassle me once a month with interviews for CNN.

And you think: Phew that burden can not safely go to the supermarket on Saturdays.

And I say: Are you thinking what you're saying?

And you think: But why do you want to be famous?

And I say: to be made, and be a millionaire.

And you think: But if money can not buy happiness.

And I tell you again: Are you thinking what you're saying?

And you think: celebrities are not "really" happy.

And I say: No, I always laugh because they are "pretending." So we want to be famous like them and when we are .. Zas! ... sad live forever.

And you think: Listen. The other day I saw a program on TV that talked about this, said the blame for wanting to be famous is the excess of information, once lived in your house quiet thinking the world was "it" and that's it, now when I turn on the television or computer and you only see famous millionaire and successful people with white teeth as if nitrogen hiciesen swish every night, when in reality what happens is that you compare yourself with a group of people, very small, which as we have on TV in your home and see him as human as you, you think you have to be as famous as them and this is what causes such frightful anxiety disorders people live today.

And I say: Do not know the points? I was trying to finish the sentence and almost comes a narcosis.

And you think: Back to the roots! That is what must be done! And be happy with what you have! With what you ARE! Because life is too short dammit! Living in the moment and be so much nonsense! Enjoy the birdsong! From the sky! From the sun! Of the good times because! Because ¡¡¡¿¿¿ why not ???!!! THAT is what must be done!

(Or that I thought I?)

Anyway ... has been a pleasure talking to you.

STUFFED PITAS (Only for celebrities)

One of these days of spring, warm and unimportant, you pick up some pitas (previously purchased - )) and filled with the rhythm of the desire to eat it you with:

spinach - tomato
- ;
condiments - hot sauce (if you like)

O and positions:

corn - beef
- pollo en tiritas
-        guacamole
-        cebolla frita
-        ajos asados
-        champiñones…

Y tu pensarás: Esta receta podría haberla escrito yo también.

And I say: Ya, but what you did?

And you think: you know? You're right, because in the end, the good times are so simple and unpredictable and if we are to enjoy life "because I say" Got to make a successful recipe for a roast turkey with gravy Swoldofgorsof to Tucutú Smigohá confit with mushrooms?

And I say: No. I'll be happy whatever you do because the times when my soul has felt a "special sympathy" for existence, has been at times like coming out of the blue, like a wind X on a spring afternoon any, of those from which one expects nothing, the kind that one would not have to remember one of those simple moments that one does not know why strange I fill the soul reason, just because, without more and do not know if this gives you enough strength to vivir, pero ya  que lo que es “vivir”, por ahora, vas a “vivir” igual, es mucho más reconfortante “vivir” así, sorprendiéndote por todo a cada momento, disfrutando todo, no importa cuanto sea, que “vivir” preocupado por tus grilletes éticos, morales, filosóficos, de éxito frustrado, de vacío emocional o yo qué se qué grilletes tienes que no te dejan vivir riendo las veinticuatro horas del día.

Y tu pensarás: ¿Tu tampoco conoces los puntos?

¿O lo he dicho yo?

Anyway. Bon Appetit


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