Monday, April 11, 2011

How To Repair Talking Vintage Gi Joe

Endive salad and rice (very easy, but much more difficult than ordering a pizza)

is much easier to eat rich diet. Lie on the sofa to watch TV to go to work.

is infinitely easier to criticize than to understand. And sometimes it's easier to crawl on dubious moral feelings, emotions that elevate honorable state.

is much easier to soak up the sun at midday without more, than to smear the whole body protection 50. The more left foot resting on the accelerator, to be aware of speed restrictions signs every 5 km

escape of reality is so much more comfortable to deal with the problems. And spend the money? It's both, but so much nicer than save it. Good wine is much richer than the water, cross the street without thinking is much more comfortable to look for both sides and just cross here, so much easier to walk to the light.

Being alone is so much easier to fall in love. Because it is easier not to go to go. Do not see that view. Do not do it, do it.

And I do not mean you have to eat like a beast, buried feelings of dubious moral and bask in the noonday sun without protection, just say it's much easier to live without thinking, planning to live. Waste time to use it. No hair care to be careful. Without further wrinkle, to wear cream every morning. It is much easier to destroy than to build. It is much easier to pick up the phone and order a pizza, to make a salad.

And yet here I am again taking the hard way with the firm hope that this system vainglorious sadistic slaughter, have some inexplicable order, but true nonetheless.

AND RICE SALAD endive (Very easy, but much more difficult than ordering a pizza)

prepare a cup of long grain rice al dente with a teaspoon of salt. Let it cool and mix it with:

- Two celery stalks cut into earrings.
½ onion
-        ½ manzana verde cortada en cubitos
-        6 rabanitos cortados en rodajas

Condimenta a tu gusto, a mi me gusta con perejil, una cucharadita de aceite de oliva y un poco de aceto balsámico.

Sírvelo en el centro del plato y alrededor coloca, cual rallos de sol, las hojas enteras de una endibia (condiméntala con especias, sal y aceite de oliva a tu gusto) y un tomate cortado en gajos.

Use the leaves as spoons filling them with the preparation of rice and enjoy an original and very fresh food.

I know it is much easier to eat with knife and fork, but in the end you will feel much more comfortable if you eat well.

I said, a sadistic system, who knows? why, disguised as hard the best things in life.



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