Saturday, February 5, 2011

Panasonic F61 Fix Sa-ht740

for the purchase of a human being get one gift. SALES BEGIN AT THE HUMANITY! DUALITY

Does this friend is a good friend because it fills the agenda of your days? "That boyfriend is a good boyfriend because he is" good person "and will" help "to get fat? Is that a good boss or your boss because you question in the murky haze of your routine? "That was a good friend far because" there are worse? Does that employee you hired is good because it is timely and meets the fair?

SALES Welcome to the MAN!

sales season is not looking quality, we settle for "having" and provided it does not cost much, obviously, if not buy it at any time of year.

He does not buy clothes in sales can lead us to go naked. And human beings do not buy cuts can lead to stand alone, or worse, bad company. That's why often downplayed the "small" defects of manufacture of the people around us as long as socializing.

But Finished! This is the end of the SALE!

Good friends will fill the soul, care about you, you are accompanied at all times and do not fray.
Loves Big enough for you, make you happy every second, are quite happy with you and do not fade.

Good leaders appreciate you, you understand, care about you welfare and not shrink.

Just on sale!

're a brand name product, are excellent and do not warp over time. If you want trinkets to look elsewhere. No need to stoop! Even you might have a "premium" for the excellent brand behind you ... because the pay! Or you know a friend ... get what you pay.

requires the same excellence. Enough of both "Top human blanket!" That of talking with a friend and the audio is heard wrong, it is intolerable! Or talking to your boyfriend and get up someone in the middle of the conversation and not allow you to see ... it's absurd!

If you want to pay an economic price for a man, attentive to the consequences. I do not.

human live the big brands!
live the Denomination of Origin Honest!
live the Made In Normal!

Rejects fakes! Little better but good. Because you're worth.

Ahhh ... that I have stayed at home.

CHURRASCO with beans.

This is what I mean by "short but good" do you see? A simple beef steak (which in Uruguay is called churrasco) juicy and without hormones.

Al dente and with a little salt. And some green beans (green beans), steamed with salt and a dash of oil and four quail eggs.

is so simple that I'm excited.

is so authentic. Do not want to be a great meal, or asks you not ever forget it and keep it in your memory forever. Just want to feed you and make you happy.

For my taste this is a delicacy.

live the authentic products. Viva simplicity. The frontal. The truth. Viva the nobility, excellence, radical honesty.

live the full-blooded human beings!


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