There was a royal wedding in England Have you heard? Prince William of Great Britain that he married a Kate, "the Cate" they say in the family. Half a chubby girl, cute, glasses, who works at a bakery for a neighborhood of Italian immigrants in London. Sicily is reality, tanned skin and curly hair. Rather caderona Feit and a little, but she looks nice.
say that the prince was to buy some biscuits for breakfast one day (the cooks palace prepare it usually, but this day, said: "I'll Let the biscuits for a bit and move your legs!") and there met her.
They say that while she was attending, he dropped a biscuit on the floor and let out a taco (Fuck! Said) and he looked so real, so natural, he smiled. She responded with a shy smile and a little embarrassed (logical) and right there ... zaz! came and fell in love at first sight.
She will continue to work at the bakery because he says it does not depend on it. We see that not many studies but is very honest and he said well, if she prefers, they do so.
Pufff ... when he learned was crazy ... That "how not going to tell me" that "Who do you think I am" , "Who do you think your" ... (it is seen that has a half-rotten character. But as the father of it, so better "so you will have cortito and mature at once," ).
made a small intimate ceremony for just family and friends. The media were crazy for taking a picture, but they refused to sell their privacy in any way. They said their love was theirs and not for it to anyone else. More monkeys.
now going to be happy forever. For as well pray all the tales of princesses, the most important relationships is the initial infatuation. After living together is not important.
If you do well until the wedding party, the rest of life no more to be happy forever.
Hopefully they are happy because they deserve it. What is true is true. And it shows.
say sources close to the couple that she insisted on English Tortilla for the wedding. It is their signature dish and wanted to entertain the guests with something homemade, "phosphate in house" he said.
's learned to do in Spain, a season that went around half lost.
A delicious recipe, you'll see:
Cut 2 onions in very thin strips and put them to fry in plenty of olive oil. Remove them slowly over low heat while you talk or take a snack or whatever you like.
When the onions are poached, add two thinly sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini and a generous stream of olive oil. Keep stirring slowly.
Zucchini begin to soften, then add 5 potatoes peeled and cut into thin slices and more olive oil to cover almost half and salt to taste.
still talking or thinking, something rich tomato, calm down (that this world is crazy), breathe deeply, meditate ... and you will see that after a while the potatoes are soft. Remove and stir with a wooden spoon, the potatoes will be starting because blanditas, you continue stirring and mixing with the zucchini and onions. All very slowly.
When everything is cooked, remove the ingredients with a spoon. Let the oil drain well and putting you in a separate container inclined prepared for the shedding follow the rest of the oil that's left. (I wonder why not snuck directly. It is because the waste will be very prepared and you'll lose everything and colaría).
Then add 9 eggs (I know, seem to many, but so, do not argue, if "Cate says 9 are 9). Corrects salt to taste and stir with a fork.
Place in a pan a little olive oil and wait until very hot. Prepared and then added an important detail: stir everything with a wooden spoon one minute before forming the tortilla, this is so that you do before.
After the bucket is the tortilla. Cook on one side, give it back with a plate and cook the other.
Important, do not cook much, barely browned on both sides. A good English omelet has to be "wet."
If someone of royalty much better, because that is all the more authentic. But if a commoner not worry, remember that it is all about happy to get to the wedding, to make sure that you will be happy forever. And if you make a English Omelette like this, much better.
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