Are you there? I have an idea, let's play that the world is like you and I want. I give in on some things, you in other and stayed in the center do you think?
desire not to repeat it, but neither do you insist on saying the opposite and another thing, I put these conditions and thou yours because that's the first rule the world I want. That no one has more power than anyone, under the guise of organizing, or under the guise of help.
1 red bell pepper 1 green
desire not to repeat it, but neither do you insist on saying the opposite and another thing, I put these conditions and thou yours because that's the first rule the world I want. That no one has more power than anyone, under the guise of organizing, or under the guise of help.
In my world ... absolutely all human beings will be warriors for peace and we will fight in every detail of justice, love and radical generosity.
And always by choice, not by obligation.
Now it's up to you. You plant your rules and whatever the middle we stay in that world. If you are very close to mine, either. If too far, at least we'll be in the middle.
Play with me, invent a new world and play a world that is at the heart of what you and I want.
To see if you come one day for this part of the world and I make a mussels as these and see what you cook when I go to yours.
in a pot you put a dash of olive oil, 1 kg of mussels and a sprig of laurel.
When open, fire it off and take away the water.
Now comes a tough job.
Take out, one scoop, the mussel is not meat and you're left with half having meat.
Slowly, but because they cool quickly, but with patience and enjoying, but burning you fingers, placing you in a face-up source.
Apart prepare a sauce with:
1 onion 3 cloves garlic
3 tomatoes
Parsley Salt
olive oil
And the high of 1 lemon.
All veeeeery chopped. Ideally, you do a few hours before making the mussels and the sauce will consubstantiated and you will be much richer.
Then, after placing all the mussels in chucharita meat side up, place in each spoon the sauce mixture.
's not a recipe to have it done in advance and you get nice and cool as a cucumber to dine distinguished.
is more a recipe to eat with friends who do not mind ver como te quemas los dedos mientras sufres de estrés para que el primer mejillón que has pelado no se te enfríe hasta que termines el último. Incluso estaría bien que te esperen en la cocina y a medida que vas sacando los platos se los vayan comiendo ahí nomás (“al pié de la vaca” se dice en Uruguay), entre cervezas, risas y alegría.
Un ingrediente fundamental: que sean buenos amigos, de esos con los que te sientes como en familia.
Buen provecho.