Saturday, February 26, 2011

Canned Chicken Expiration Date

MUSSELS between your world and mine.

Are you there? I have an idea, let's play that the world is like you and I want. I give in on some things, you in other and stayed in the center do you think?

desire not to repeat it, but neither do you insist on saying the opposite and another thing, I put these conditions and thou yours because that's the first rule the world I want. That no one has more power than anyone, under the guise of organizing, or under the guise of help.

Am I me?

In my world ... absolutely all human beings will be warriors for peace and we will fight in every detail of justice, love and radical generosity.

And always by choice, not by obligation.

Now it's up to you. You plant your rules and whatever the middle we stay in that world. If you are very close to mine, either. If too far, at least we'll be in the middle.

Play with me, invent a new world and play a world that is at the heart of what you and I want.


To see if you come one day for this part of the world and I make a mussels as these and see what you cook when I go to yours.

in a pot you put a dash of olive oil, 1 kg of mussels and a sprig of laurel.

When open, fire it off and take away the water.

Now comes a tough job.
Take out, one scoop, the mussel is not meat and you're left with half having meat.

Slowly, but because they cool quickly, but with patience and enjoying, but burning you fingers, placing you in a face-up source.

Apart prepare a sauce with:
1 red bell pepper 1 green
1 onion 3 cloves garlic
3 tomatoes
Parsley Salt
olive oil
And the high of 1 lemon.

All veeeeery chopped. Ideally, you do a few hours before making the mussels and the sauce will consubstantiated and you will be much richer.

Then, after placing all the mussels in chucharita meat side up, place in each spoon the sauce mixture.

's not a recipe to have it done in advance and you get nice and cool as a cucumber to dine distinguished.

is more a recipe to eat with friends who do not mind ver como te quemas los dedos mientras sufres de estrés para que el primer mejillón que has pelado no se te enfríe hasta que termines el último. Incluso estaría bien que te esperen en la cocina y a medida que vas sacando los platos se los vayan comiendo ahí nomás (“al pié de la vaca” se dice en Uruguay), entre cervezas, risas y alegría.

Un ingrediente fundamental: que sean buenos amigos, de esos con los que te sientes como en familia.  

Buen provecho.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Unexplained Hot Flashes


* 1 large cream cheese
* 100 grams of goat cheese
* 100 grams of parmesan cheese
Freshly ground black pepper * 1 package of crackers or toasted buns
* Sheets fresh basil for garnish

* 1 cup fresh basil leaves ½ cup
oil * 3 cloves garlic
* ½ teaspoon salt

special tool: 1 loaf round or rectangular metal cylinder or

1 .- To unite in a bowl the cream cheese, cheese goat, Parmesan cheese and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
2 .- Prepare the basil pesto apart, blend all ingredients and place the mixture in a glass jar. 3 .-
Grease with olive oil pan or metal cylinder.
4 .- Place in the background a little of the cheese mixture, then a layer of pesto, and so on, until you finish the preparation of cheese.
5 .- Refrigerate for 2 hours and cover with plastic wrap.
6 .- Just before serving, unmold and garnish with fresh basil leaves

Serve with toasted rolls or crackers.

20 minutes Chilling: 2 hours
Servings: 8 people

Source: Nury de Sucre. Appetizers. Prints. Venezuela

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* 1 large avocado or 2 small tomatoes
* 2 ripe pears
* 1 chopped onion 1 cup

cilantro chopped sweet peppers * 4 * 3 tablespoons

olive oil * 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon

salt * 1 package roasted cassava or corn tortillas

1 .- Peel and crush the avocado flesh with a fork
2 Chop .- tomatoes, peppers and diced onions.
3 .- Add the mashed avocado.
4 .- Add to the mixture of chopped cilantro, salt to taste, lemon juice, and pepper (optional). 5 .- Enter
avocado seed to keep the mixture turning black.

Serve chilled with toasted cassava or corn tortillas

Preparation: 30 minutes
Servings: 6 people

Source: Pasapalos. Prints. Nury de Sucre. Venezuela

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Does Ulta Ship To Australia


* 12 turkey

* * White pepper Salt to taste
* 6 slices of ham
* 3 slices of cheddar cheese
* Wheat flour (all purpose) * Oil for frying

cream cups

grated onion * 1 * 2 tablespoons butter with salt
* ½ cup port wine or sweet

* Sal * White pepper to taste PREPARATION

1 .- Season the cutlets turkey with salt and pepper
Milan 2 .- Fill each with a slice of ham and half of cheddar cheese.
3 .- Opening and closing with toothpicks
4 .- Flour each roll and shake the excess 5 .-
Brown the chicken on all sides in a skillet with oil
6 .- Dry them on paper towels.
7 .- Place in a refractory container.
8 .- Cover with foil.
9 .- Before serving, bake in the oven to 350 º F (125 º C) for twenty minutes.

CREAM SAUCE: 1 .- Sweating
grated onions in a pan with two tablespoons of butter and salt to taste. 2 .- Add
sweet wine or port.
3 .- Let reduce.
4 .- Add the cream, salt and white pepper to taste.

can be made with breaded chicken instead of turkey.

Preparation 30 minutes Cooking
20 minutes Servings: 6

Source: Meat and Poultry. Prints. Nury de Sucre. Venezuela

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Get My Louis Vuitton Handles To Darken


parboiled rice * 4 cups water 1 cup
thin noodles (vermicelli)
* 1 package of 225 grams bacon
* 4
crushed garlic cloves 1 tablespoon oil 1 teaspoon

1 .- Chop the bacon and fry in a pan (in its own fat).
2 .- Take them out when golden brown and dry with paper towels.
3 .- Brown fine noodles in a pan with two tablespoons of oil.
4 .- Do not burn, they get bitter. 5 .- Sweating
crushed garlic in a pan with two tablespoons of oil.
6 .- Place in a pot of rice, water, noodles, roasted, crushed garlic, bacon and salt.
7 .- Cook uncovered and when the rice begins to dry, lower the heat and cover pot to open the grain.

TIP: Serve hot to accompany any red meat or white.

Preparation: 15 minutes Cooking
30 minutes Servings: 6

Source: Escorts. Prints. Nury of Sucre. Venezuela

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* 4 roasted red peppers baked cream cheese

* 1 * 2 1 / 2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin
* 1 / 2 cup chicken broth * 2

tablespoons mayonnaise * 1 / 2 teaspoon pepper (optional)
* Salt * Pepper to taste

* Olive oil * 1 package of toasted rolls or crackers to accompany

special tool: 1 loaf or round Rectangular mousses.

red peppers with olive oil.
2 .- Place in a tray or plate baking. 3 .-
bake in the oven to 400 º F for 40 minutes or until golden.
4 .- Peel, remove seeds and let them cool. 5 .- Dissolve
tablespoons unflavored gelatin in ½ cup chicken stock or cold water.
6 .- Heat in small saucepan.
7 .- Grind in a blender well drained roasted peppers, cream cheese, two tablespoons of mayonnaise, pepper to taste along with the dissolved gelatin. 8 .- Test
salt mixture and if necessary, add more to taste.
9 .- Grease the pan with olive oil for the Mouse unmold easily.
10 .- Pour mixture into pan and place in the fridge. 11 .- Wait
four hours to set.
12 .- Turn the mousse into a serving tray and served with toasted rolls or crackers.

Preparation: 15 minutes Refrigeration
: 4 hours
Serves 12 people

Source: Pasapalos. Prints. Nury de Sucre.

Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Run Pokemon Heartgold On Desume


prepared turkey similar to a roast beef
* 6 cloves garlic Salt to taste
* 4 tablespoons butter

* 2 cups orange juice * 1
orange marmalade (1 / 2 cup)
* 1 cebolla rallada
* La ralladura de la piel de 2 naranjas
* 1 cubito de carne
* 1 1/2 cucharada de maicena
* 2 cucharadas de azúcar
* 2 hojas de laurel
* Gajitos de naranja para adornar (2 naranjas)
* 4 cucharadas de aceite para dorar

Utensilio: un caldero de hierro.

1.- Aliñar el rollo de pavo con los ajos machacados y sal.
2.- Dejar macerar por dos horas para que coja gusto.
3.- Dorar el pavo por todos los lados en un caldero con el aceite bien caliente.
4.- Colocar en un molde refractario.

1.- Rallar la cebolla and sweat it in a pan with butter.
2 .- Add the crumbled meat cube and the orange zest
3 .- Add the orange juice, scoops of sugar and bay leaves.
4 .- Boil for ten minutes. 5 .-
Thicken by adding four tablespoons cornstarch dissolved in cold water.
6 .- Cover the turkey roll with sauce to prevent drying in the oven.
7 .- Cover with foil. 8 .-
bake for twenty minutes at 350 º F (125 º C).
9 .- Serve hot.

TIP: Serve with rice or mashed potatoes and garnish with orange gajitos.

Preparation: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 35 minutes
Servings: 6

Source: Meat and Poultry. Nury de Sucre. Prints. Venezuela

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* TENDERLOIN SAUCE Cochin sweet peppers

* 1 pork loin 1 ½ to 2 kilos
* 6 cloves garlic
* 500 grams of sweet peppers (all colors)
* 3 tablespoons butter
* 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon
ground dried oregano * Salt

* Pepper to taste 1 cup brown sugar * ½ cup grated

oil 2 cups sweet red wine
* 3 bay leaves * Salt to taste

PREPARATION: 1 .- dress
pork loin with crushed garlic, Worcestershire sauce, ground dried oregano, salt and pepper to taste. 2 .-
Steep overnight. 3 .- Drain
seasonings and brown on all sides in a pan with oil. 4 .- Chop
diced sweet peppers. 5 .- Sudarlos
in another pan with butter and crushed garlic.
6 .- Add the seasonings to the marinade sauce.
7 .- Melt in a pan with oil shredded newsprint.
8 .- Add the sweet wine and sweet peppers sautéed with garlic.
9 .- Then, the bay leaves.
10 .- Let reduce until thickened.
11 .- Cover the pork loin with sauce.
12 .- Cover with foil and bake for forty minutes at 350 º F (125 º C)

TIP: Serve hot
cut into rounds accompanied by mashed sweet potatoes or squash and sauce in a gravy boat apart so that each person is served to your liking.

Preparation 30 minutes Cooking
40 minutes Servings: 6

Source: Meat and Poultry. Prints. Nury de Sucre. Venezuela

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Trac Vac Replacement Discharge Chute

* fish carpaccio with caper sauce

* 2 kilos of fish (dorado, grouper, tuna)
* 4 tablespoons olive oil * 3 tablespoons
lemon juice

* 1 cup mayonnaise * 1 bottle
small or large capers (chop into small pieces) 1 tablespoon

mustard Fresh parsley for garnish *
* 2 lemons cut in thin slices

* Salt * Black pepper freshly ground taste.
* wheat bread to accompany.

1 .- Buy a thick fillet of fish. 2 .-
Wrap in plastic wrap and freeze.
3 .- Slice thinly with a slicer or a sharp knife.
4 .- You can also send a slice at the bakery.
5 .- Place in a bowl and sprinkle with lemon juice, olive oil, salt and freshly ground black pepper. 6 .- Prepare
caper sauce Blend all ingredients.
7 .- Place the sauce into a gravy boat. 8 .- Let
some capers for garnish.
9 .- Garnish with fresh parsley and thin slices of lemon.
10 .- Serve with black bread or whole

can also serve as input into individual dishes on a tray in a buffet or appetizers, if presented on black or whole rolls.

Preparation: 20 minutes
Servings: 6 Source

Tickets cold. Prints. Nury de Sucre

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* 1 quart of chicken broth or beef
* 6 medium cooked beets.
* 2 tablespoons butter * 1 large onion

* ½ cup chopped green onion * ½ cup
* 3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill or
* Salt * Freshly ground black pepper to taste roasted
* Biscuits ( optional)

1 .- Prepare a rich chicken broth or beef rather substantial.
2 .- Boil the beets with the skin for an hour, with enough water to cover them.
3 .- Sweat the scallions and onion in a skillet with butter. 4 .-
remoulade chopped Blend the soup with chicken or beef and fried chives and onion.
5 .- It should be thick.

To serve, each plate is decorated with strings of cream or sour cream and a sprig of dill or parsley.
Also Serve with toasted buns.

Preparation: 15 minutes Cooking
: 1 hour
Servings: 6 Source

Tickets cold. Prints. Nury de Sucre.

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A smart and healthy recipe to enjoy lightly.
* 1 salmon fillet with skin

* ½ * 1 carrot zucchini * Aji

sweet to taste * 1 white onion * 1 red onion

* Chips * Colombian

* rice noodles and sesame seeds or sesame
* Salt * Pepper

1 .- Bringing all ingredients, weighed and measured, on the work surface. 2 .- Make
cook potatoes in salted water. 3 .- Book
4 .- Cut the onion white "feathers"
5 .- Do the same with the onion
6 .- Cut the carrots into slices and then cut into strips.
7 .- Cut zucchini into julienne strips. 8 .-
Season salmon with salt and pepper
9 .- Cover the salmon with seeds sesame and / or sesame
10 .- fry in hot oil.
11 .- Book.
12 .- Sauté the carrots in a saucepan
13 .- Add the zucchini
14 .- Add the onion
15 .- Add the onion. 16 .- Adding
sweet pepper and cook until vegetables are tender.
17 .- Season with salt and pepper.
18 .- Serve and garnish the dish with fried rice noodles.

Source: Chef Johan Alley. Christmas 2010.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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for the purchase of a human being get one gift. SALES BEGIN AT THE HUMANITY! DUALITY

Does this friend is a good friend because it fills the agenda of your days? "That boyfriend is a good boyfriend because he is" good person "and will" help "to get fat? Is that a good boss or your boss because you question in the murky haze of your routine? "That was a good friend far because" there are worse? Does that employee you hired is good because it is timely and meets the fair?

SALES Welcome to the MAN!

sales season is not looking quality, we settle for "having" and provided it does not cost much, obviously, if not buy it at any time of year.

He does not buy clothes in sales can lead us to go naked. And human beings do not buy cuts can lead to stand alone, or worse, bad company. That's why often downplayed the "small" defects of manufacture of the people around us as long as socializing.

But Finished! This is the end of the SALE!

Good friends will fill the soul, care about you, you are accompanied at all times and do not fray.
Loves Big enough for you, make you happy every second, are quite happy with you and do not fade.

Good leaders appreciate you, you understand, care about you welfare and not shrink.

Just on sale!

're a brand name product, are excellent and do not warp over time. If you want trinkets to look elsewhere. No need to stoop! Even you might have a "premium" for the excellent brand behind you ... because the pay! Or you know a friend ... get what you pay.

requires the same excellence. Enough of both "Top human blanket!" That of talking with a friend and the audio is heard wrong, it is intolerable! Or talking to your boyfriend and get up someone in the middle of the conversation and not allow you to see ... it's absurd!

If you want to pay an economic price for a man, attentive to the consequences. I do not.

human live the big brands!
live the Denomination of Origin Honest!
live the Made In Normal!

Rejects fakes! Little better but good. Because you're worth.

Ahhh ... that I have stayed at home.

CHURRASCO with beans.

This is what I mean by "short but good" do you see? A simple beef steak (which in Uruguay is called churrasco) juicy and without hormones.

Al dente and with a little salt. And some green beans (green beans), steamed with salt and a dash of oil and four quail eggs.

is so simple that I'm excited.

is so authentic. Do not want to be a great meal, or asks you not ever forget it and keep it in your memory forever. Just want to feed you and make you happy.

For my taste this is a delicacy.

live the authentic products. Viva simplicity. The frontal. The truth. Viva the nobility, excellence, radical honesty.

live the full-blooded human beings!